Mercy Smiles International Outreach

Application to open a Donor Advised Fund
(Attach additional pages as needed)

Requested Name of Fund ________________________________________

(You can name the fund any name you wish; the name will be used for all donations and donor statements.  Examples:  “The Peterson Family Charitable Fund.”  “Grandmother Elsie’s Memorial Fund”) 

Name of person (or people) with the authority to make fund-giving decisions, including the timing of gifts. (This can name one or more people, but if more than one, there should be instructions, such as “Any these may make decisions”, “All must agree”, or “Each person has authority over 1/3 of the fund”.  These people will also determine how frequently the fund makes its gifts.)




Do you want these people to provide investment advice? (If “No”, Mercy Smiles will make investment decisions.  See “Specific Rules on DAF Investments”)


How do you want to appoint successors if someone in the previous list cannot fulfill his/her duties to provide giving or investment advice? (This would explain how you want these appointments made into the far future, remembering the fund may exist for many decades.  Also, you may want to state whether successors can change the decisions you make now.  For example, you may or may not want to allow successors to change the percentage the fund gives each year, to provide investment advice, or to move the DAF to another sponsoring organization, as that move may allow gifts to organizations that work against Christianity.)




Amount or description of initial gift to the fund. (This would be a dollar amount or a list of marketable securities.)


What percentage of the Fund should be given each year? (This must be at least 5%, but would generally be less than 50%, and includes gifts to Mercy Smiles.

_________ %

How should gifts to Mercy Smiles be determined? (This could be a percentage of the annual giving or a dollar amount.  Per Mercy Smiles DAF rules, this must be at least $100 per year or 10% of annual gifts; dollar amounts will be increased as necessary.  Gifts to Mercy Smiles will be quarterly unless the DAF has specifically requested annual giving.)  


Must be signed and witnessed.


Printable / Downloadable Application Form IN Word Document will be uploaded soon. Sorry about the inconvenience.


Printable / Downloadable Application Form IN Word Document will be uploaded soon. Sorry about the inconvenience. ***